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"Rita, are you like Willy Wonka?"

Updated: 6 days ago

"Rita, are you like Willy Wonka?"

Whenever I meet new people and tell them my profession is chocolate, their faces light up with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

“Are you like Willy Wonka?” they ask. I laugh and say, “No, I think I’m better"😉 "Now that’s bold," they think.
And I ask, “But have you ever tried Willy Wonka’s chocolates?”

These days, many are pros at labelling things as magic. But bringing it to life? Now that’s a different trick.

Imagine you dreamed up your own little toy—whether it’s growing a flower garden, creating your own board game, building a tree house, or crafting a wooden bicycle—shared the idea with a few friends, and heard, "Wow, that's so cool, let us play too!" There you go, your vision has created something that matters to others! 🎨 From now on, day in and day out, you get yourself out of bed and keep bringing it to life—no matter what. Otherwise, it will remain just a dream. And the moment will come, when you finally hold the end result in your hands–that's magic! 🦄

But the toughest part comes after, when you turn this into your profession. And it’s not just about sleepless nights or hard work—we all get that. Nor is it about the routine basics like spreadsheets, budgets, or numbers. It's guarding the vision itself!🧚🏼

Medals and awards are wonderful, but they're not what keeps me going. It’s the inner spark that drives the whole team forward ✨Keeping that spark alive—THAT is the real Odyssey! Ideas take shape and come to life only when you’re fueled to see them through this marathon ✨Add to that heaps of hard work, strong discipline, and a stubborn focus on the goal, and there’s your simple recipe for magic.🧚🏼‍♂️🪄

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